by Polly von Thaden on 03/05/11
Dear Washington NVIC Advocacy Team Members, We need all Washington NVIC Advocacy Team Members to check their calendars for this Wednesday March 9th to see if there is any way possible you can arrange to attend a hearing at your state capitol in Olympia to show your opposition to SB5005 which directly attacks your ability to use philosophical and religious exemptions to mandatory vaccination in Washington State. We need people to give 2-3 minutes of testimony at the hearing (we can help you prepare if you are willing to do it) but if you don’t want to testify that is okay because we truly need as many people as possible to show their opposition by just showing up and attending and supporting those who do get up to testify in opposition to SB5005. We are asking everyone who attends to wear a black shirt and you will be given a sticker to wear demonstrating your opposition to SB5005 so our side can be seen and heard by all. Please respond to Dawn Winkler at CODirector@NVICAdvocacy.org if you can commit to attending or testifying. We will be in touch with more details! WHAT: We need YOU to attend the House Health Care and Wellness Committee Hearing to Show Opposition to SB5005 Please do what you can to be able to attend. We need you. Bring a friend. Bring your children if necessary – there is not a better example you could be setting for your children than directly participating in your government to make a difference for their health, freedoms, and future. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME that someone else will be there in your place and PLEASE DON’T PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION TO REGRET that you did not do more to help stop this bill! We can do this but we need YOU! For more information on the history of SB5005 and its companion HB1015, please go to the Action Alert section of your Washington State Team Page on the NVIC Advocacy Portal athttp://NVICAdvocacy.org. If this email was forwarded to you, please register at the NVIC Advocacy Portal so you can be automatically added to the Washington State NVIC Advocacy Team Members email list so you can receive future updates directly. And remember, please contact Dawn Winkler at CODirector@NVICAdvocacy.org ASAP if you can attend or give testimony so we can have time to plan and get back to you with more information. Sincerely, Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy National Vaccine Information Center http://NVIC.org and http://NVICAdvocacy.org
WHEN: Wednesday March 9, 2011 at 8:00 am (bill is first on the agenda )
WHERE: Olympia, Washington, House Hearing Room B in the John L. O’Brien Building on the Washington State Capitol Campus http://www.ga.wa.gov/images/campus-map.pdf
WHY: If SB5005 is passed into law, you will no longer be able to just use a religious or philosophical exemption to mandatory vaccination. Instead, as a requirement for your exemption to be valid, you will have to obtain a signed statement from a physician, their assistant or nurse, or a naturopath attesting to the fact that they have provided you withinformation about the benefits and risks of "immunization". You will most likely have to make an appointment and pay for a visit and there is no guarantee this health care provider is even going to be willing to sign this!